What's new
Cohesity REST API Documentation
With its API driven architecture, Cohesity simplifies management of secondary data and applications. Cohesity REST API provides an interface to connect to the Cohesity Clusters. The RESTful APIs help you to build, automate and manage your workflows.
The scope of this document is to understand the usage of the REST APIs and use the the examples provided for each API to further test and use the APIs. For details on Cohesity clusters and working with the cluster, refer to Cohesity TechDocs.
What's New
The following section lists the newly added, modified and deprecated REST APIs for 6.8.1:
Newly Added APIs
Resource | Method | Path | Summary |
KmsStatus | GET | /public/kmsStatus | Returns the status of the KMS Server. |
LicenseAgreement | POST | /public/licenseAgreement | Accepts license agreement. |
Modified APIs
Resource | Method | Path | Summary |
ActiveDirectory | DELETE | /public/activeDirectory | Deletes the join with the Active Directory. |
ActiveDirectory | POST | /public/activeDirectory | Join the Cohesity Cluster to the specified Active Directory. |
AppInstances | POST | /public/appInstances | Starts the application instance launch on the cluster. |
Cluster | PUT | /public/cluster | Update the configuration of this Cohesity Cluster. |
Clusters | POST | /public/clusters/cloudEdition | Create a new Cloud Edition Cohesity Cluster. |
Clusters | POST | /public/clusters/cloudEdition | Create a new Cloud Edition Cohesity Cluster. |
Clusters | PUT | /public/clusters/ioPreferentialTier | Update the IO preferential tiers and return the updated IO preferential tiers of the cluster. |
Clusters | POST | /public/clusters/physicalEdition | Create a new Physical Edition Cohesity Cluster. |
Clusters | POST | /public/clusters/physicalEdition | Create a new Physical Edition Cohesity Cluster. |
Clusters | POST | /public/clusters/virtualEdition | Create a new Virtual Edition Cohesity Cluster. |
Clusters | POST | /public/clusters/virtualEdition | Create a new Virtual Edition Cohesity Cluster. |
Ip | DELETE | /public/ip | Delete the specified IP settings on the Cohesity Cluster. |
Ip | DELETE | /public/ip | Delete the specified IP settings on the Cohesity Cluster. |
KmsConfig | GET | /public/kmsConfig | List KMS configurations in the cluster. |
KmsConfig | POST | /public/kmsConfig | Create a KMS config. |
ProtectionJobs | POST | /public/protectionJobs | Create a Protection Job. |
ProtectionJobs | POST | /public/protectionJobs | Create a Protection Job. |
ProtectionJobs | POST | /public/protectionJobs/run/{id} | Immediately execute a single Protection Job Run. |
ProtectionJobs | PUT | /public/protectionJobs/{id} | Update a Protection Job. |
ProtectionJobs | PUT | /public/protectionJobs/{id} | Update a Protection Job. |
ProtectionPolicies | POST | /public/protectionPolicies | Create a Protection Policy. |
ProtectionPolicies | PUT | /public/protectionPolicies/{id} | Update a Protection Policy. |
ProtectionRuns | PUT | /public/protectionRuns | Update how long Protection Job Runs and their snapshots are retained on the Cohesity Cluster. |
ProtectionSources | GET | /public/protectionSources | Returns the registered Protection Sources and their Object subtrees. |
ProtectionSources | GET | /public/protectionSources | Returns the registered Protection Sources and their Object subtrees. |
ProtectionSources | POST | /public/protectionSources/register | Register a Protection Source. |
ProtectionSources | GET | /public/protectionSources/registrationInfo | undefined |
ProtectionSources | PATCH | /public/protectionSources/{id} | Update previously registered Protection Source with new details. |
RemoteClusters | GET | /public/remoteClusters | List the remote Cohesity Clusters that are registered on this local Cohesity Cluster that match the filter criteria specified using parameters. |
RemoteClusters | POST | /public/remoteClusters | Register a remote Cluster on this local Cluster for replication. |
RemoteClusters | PUT | /public/remoteClusters/{id} | Update the connection settings of the registered remote Cluster. |
RemoteVaults | GET | /public/remoteVaults/cloudDomainMigration | Query the cloud domain migration. |
RemoteVaults | POST | /public/remoteVaults/cloudDomainMigration | Schedules cloud domain migration. |
RemoteVaults | GET | /public/remoteVaults/cloudDomainMigration | Query the cloud domain migration. |
RemoteVaults | POST | /public/remoteVaults/searchJobs | Create a search of a remote Vault. (CloudRetrieve) |
Restore | POST | /public/restore/applicationsClone | Create a Restore Task for cloning Applications like SQL Databases. |
Restore | POST | /public/restore/applicationsRecover | Create a Restore Task for recovering Applications like SQL Databases. |
Restore | POST | /public/restore/deploy | Create a Restore Task for deploying VMs or a View on cloud. |
Restore | GET | /public/restore/files | Search for files and folders to recover that match the specified search and filter criteria on the Cohesity Cluster. |
Restore | POST | /public/restore/recover | Create a Restore Task for recovering VMs or instantly mounting volumes. |
Restore | PUT | /public/restore/recover | undefined |
Restore | PUT | /public/restore/recover | undefined |
Routes | POST | /public/routes | Create a Static Route on the Cohesity Cluster. |
Statistics | GET | /public/statistics/timeSeriesStats | List a series of data points for an entity of a metric in a schema, during the specified time period. |
Stats | GET | /public/stats/protectionRuns/lastRun | Compute stats on last Protection Run for every job. |
Stats | GET | /public/stats/views | Compute the statistics on Views. |
Users | POST | /public/users | Create or add a new user to the Cohesity Cluster. |
Users | PUT | /public/users | Update an existing user on the Cohesity Cluster. Only user settings on the Cohesity Cluster are updated. No changes are made to the referenced user principal on the Active Directory. |
Users | PUT | /public/users | Update an existing user on the Cohesity Cluster. Only user settings on the Cohesity Cluster are updated. No changes are made to the referenced user principal on the Active Directory. |
Vaults | GET | /public/vaults | List the Vaults (External Targets) registered on the Cohesity Cluster filtered by the specified parameters. |
Vaults | POST | /public/vaults | Create a new Vault (External Target). |
Vaults | PUT | /public/vaults/{id} | Update a Vault (External Target). |
ViewBoxes | POST | /public/viewBoxes | Create a Domain (View Box). |
ViewBoxes | PUT | /public/viewBoxes/{id} | Update a Domain (View Box). |
Views | POST | /public/views | Create a View. |
Views | PUT | /public/views | Update a View. |
Views | POST | /public/views/clone | Clone a View. |
Views | PUT | /public/views/{name} | Update a View. |